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  • info@ribiskekarte.si
  • +386 31 441 175


Slovenia is a true flyfishing paradise. On a relatively small area, which measures less than half of the Switzerland, one does not miss the interesting mixture of the Alps and misterious Karst world.

Numerious streams that flows into the Danube basin on one side and into the Adriatic on the other, offer excellent flyfishing experience all year long. The best fisheries are on the sunny side of the Alps unspoilt, their waters are clear and full of healthy and large fish.

Flyfishing season usually starts on April 1st (somewhere even on March 1st) and lasts till the end of September (for marble & brown trout). Flyfishing for huchen, the king of the river, starts in October (somewhere even at the later date) and lasts till the middle of the February.